Error message

  • Notice: Trying to get property 'status' of non-object in eval() (line 6 of /data/www/vulcans7/sites/all/modules/computed_field/computed_field.module(468) : eval()'d code).
  • Notice: Trying to get property 'status' of non-object in eval() (line 6 of /data/www/vulcans7/sites/all/modules/computed_field/computed_field.module(468) : eval()'d code).
  • Notice: Trying to get property 'status' of non-object in eval() (line 6 of /data/www/vulcans7/sites/all/modules/computed_field/computed_field.module(468) : eval()'d code).
  • Notice: Trying to get property 'status' of non-object in eval() (line 6 of /data/www/vulcans7/sites/all/modules/computed_field/computed_field.module(468) : eval()'d code).
  • Notice: Trying to get property 'status' of non-object in eval() (line 6 of /data/www/vulcans7/sites/all/modules/computed_field/computed_field.module(468) : eval()'d code).
  • Notice: Trying to get property 'status' of non-object in eval() (line 6 of /data/www/vulcans7/sites/all/modules/computed_field/computed_field.module(468) : eval()'d code).
  • Notice: Trying to get property 'status' of non-object in eval() (line 6 of /data/www/vulcans7/sites/all/modules/computed_field/computed_field.module(468) : eval()'d code).
  • Notice: Trying to get property 'status' of non-object in eval() (line 6 of /data/www/vulcans7/sites/all/modules/computed_field/computed_field.module(468) : eval()'d code).

Vulcan Krewe

Jim Libke
Vulcanus Rex LXXXVI
Tim Routa
Count of Ashes
Dave Andrews
General Flameous
Dusty Carlson
Count Embrious
Shane Geng
Duke of Klinker
Johnny Linden
Baron Hot Sparkus
Ivan Weiss, Jr.
Vulcanus Rex LXXXV
Andy Tubman
Baron Hot Sparkus
Nicholas Leach
Count Embrious
Josh Knudsen
Duke of Klinker
Ken Lehman
Prince of Soot
Scott Keister
General Flameous
John DeLeon
Grand Duke Fertilious
Will Cammack
Count of Ashes
The Phoenix Krewe
Fred Edstrom
Vulcanus Rex LXXXIV
Kaene Michael Wallace
Count Embrious 2022
Bob Flood
Prince of Soot
Jim Allan Bebeau
Duke of Klinker
Christopher Seebeck
Baron Hot Sparkus
Lawrence Genzler
General Flameous
Michael Joseph Daleiden
Count of Ashes
Bob Westlund III
Grand Duke Fertilious
Fiery Eyed Krewe
Todd Miller
Vulcanus Rex LXXXIII
Tim Koran
Count of Ashes
Gordon Carney
Grand Duke Fertilious
Tim Diamond
Baron Hot Sparkus
Jeff Friend
Prince of Soot
Brian Jones
General Flameous
Mike Kickbush
Duke of Klinker
Rob Murphy
Count Embrious
Dan Leach
Vulcanus Rex LXXXII
Robert Libke
Duke of Klinker
Peter Anhalt
Count Embrious
Tom Colestock
General Flameous
Dave Jansen
Count of Ashes
Jerry Ludden
Prince of Soot
Mike Prendergast
Grand Duke Fertilious
Timothy Prescott
Baron Hot Sparkus
Tommy Cherep
Vulcanus Rex LXXXI
Jim Libke
Prince of Soot
Tony Barrett
Grand Duke Fertilious
Matt Dougherty
Baron Hot Sparkus
Dan Dunleavy
Duke of Klinker
Bill Emerson
Count of Ashes
John Kosse
General Flameous
Joe Meives
Count Embrious
Dave Breen
Vulcanus Rex LXXX
Shawn Meyer
Grand Duke Fertilious
Greg Needham
General Flameous
Joshua Pelton
Count of Ashes
Brent Rosand
Duke of Klinker
Mike Schmidt
Count Embrious
Rennie Smith
Prince of Soot
Chris Stengel
Baron Hot Sparkus
John Utermoehl
Vulcanus Rex LXXIX
Randy Graff
Duke of Klinker
Jeff MacDonald
Count of Ashes
Mitch Hoglin
Count Embrious
Doug Johnson
Grand Duke Fertilious
John Hoeft
General Flameous
Emilio Munoz
Prince of Soot
Richard Weiss
Baron Hot Sparkus
Ghost Krewe
Steve Fischer
Vulcanus Rex LXXVIII
Trever Harwell
Grand Duke Fertilious
Leigh Halvorsen
Duke of Klinker
Neal John Frantzen
Count Embrious
Arlen Wente
Prince of Soot
Kurt Robinson
Baron Hot Sparkus
Tom Stevens
General Flameous
Matt Fleming
Count of Ashes
Shipwrecked Krewe
Jim Green
Vulcanus Rex LXXVII
Kyle Sunne
Count Embrious
Jason Voyda
Count of Ashes
Mike Morgan
Duke of Klinker
Mike Fox
Grand Duke Fertilious
Craig Dansky
General Flameous
Tom Mahowald
Baron Hot Sparkus
Joe Will
Prince of Soot
Lucky '13 Krewe
Paul Knudsen
Vulcanus Rex LXXVI
Todd Miller
Duke of Klinker
Greg Smith
Count of Ashes
Alex Sadowsky
Count Embrious
Mark Fox
Grand Duke Fertilious
Ron Pomije
General Flameous
Ivan Weiss, Jr.
Baron Hot Sparkus
Joe Boeltl
Prince of Soot
Hallelujah Krewe
Steve Robertson
Vulcanus Rex LXXV
Tom Froyum
Prince of Soot
Pete Farrell
Count of Ashes
Ed Cortinas
Count Embrious
Mark Leisman
Grand Duke Fertilious
Iakovos Tsoukalas
General Flameous
Tommy Cherep
Duke of Klinker
Michael Heck
Baron Hot Sparkus
True Grit Krewe
Tom Erickson
Vulcanus Rex LXXIV
Lou Bruno
Baron Hot Sparkus
Michael Albert
Count of Ashes
Keegan Boudewyns
Count Embrious
Jeff Johnson
Grand Duke Fertilious
David Prissel
General Flameous
Tony Mahmood
Duke of Klinker
Robert Austin
Prince of Soot
Perfect 10 Krewe
Dave Johnson
Vulcanus Rex LXXIII
Paul Knudsen
Duke of Klinker
Greg Voss
Count of Ashes
Craig Lydon
Count Embrious
Steve Fischer
General Flameous
Joe Bennett
Grand Duke Fertilious
Guadelupe "Lupe" Lopez
Prince of Soot
Tait Turquist
Baron Hot Sparkus
The Sainted Krewe

The krewe got their name, not by the virtue of comedic irony that is so common amongst Vulcan krewes but by being written up in the Pioneer Press's Sainted and Tainted column four times for their good behavior. Krewe members would suggest that this was simply dumb luck knowing their Vulc, a former Marine helicopter krewe chief, who defined many of the quintessential qualities of a Vulcan. This krewe started a relationship in 2009 with the Minnesota chapter of the Wounded Warrior Project in a commitment to help with their fundraising goals. That relationship has continued ever since.

Joe Vogel
Vulcanus Rex 72
James Bly
Count Embrious
Joe Stradinger
Count of Ashes
Tim Shanley
Grand Duke Fertilious
Fred Edstrom
General Flamous
Steve Gurney
Duke of Klinker
Steve Gravem
Baron Hot Sparkus
Denny Pladson
Prince of Soot
Ton of Fun Krewe
Bob Leach
Vulcanus Rex LXXI
Heath Aubin
Grand Duke Fertilious
Jim Tvedt
Count of Ashes
Daniel Leach
Count Embrious
Richard Krivanek
General Flameous
Tim Cole
Duke of Klinker
Dick Kehr
Prince of Soot
Jim Green
Baron Hot Sparkus
VIP Krewe
Danny Bickham
Vulcanus Rex LXX
Michael Dietsch
Prince of Soot
David Breen
Count of Ashes
Carl Klett
Count Embrious
Jeff Kehr
Grand Duke Fertilious
Thomas Erickson
General Flameous
Brent Kelm
Duke of Klinker
Steven Sowada
Baron Hot Sparkus
Perry LaBelle
Vulcanus Rex LXIX
Rick Sanchez
Prince of Soot
Chad Bruner
Count of Ashes
Dallas Apfelbacher
Count Embrious
Chuck Gerber
Grand Duke Fertilious
Richard Beaver
General Flameous
Steve Tomy
Duke of Klinker
Charles Kuhlman
Baron Hot Sparkus
Thomas C. Trudeau
Vulcanus Rex LXVIII
Gary Sanchez
Prince of Soot
Rob Emerson
Count of Ashes
Steve Casalenda
Grand Duke Fertilious
David Backen
General Flameous
Nick Miller
Duke of Klinker
Rob Van Pelt
Baron Hot Sparkus
Chris Hempel
Count Embrious
Tom Barrett
Vulcanus Rex LXVII
Stephen Lydon
Grand Duke Fertilious
Thomas Spencer
Count of Ashes
Travis Jurek
Count Embrious
Jim Hynes
General Flameous
Mark Newton
Duke of Klinker
Larry Anderson
Prince of Soot
Mick Higgins
Baron Hot Sparkus
Jim Eggert
Vulcanus Rex LXVI
Ron Knafla
Count Embrious
Tony Liberko
Count of Ashes
Lew Vogel
Grand Duke Fertilious
Steven Mielzarek
Duke of Klinker
Steve Robertson
Prince of Soot
Richard Leach
Baron Hot Sparkus
David Vogel
General Flameous
Larry Mahoney
Vulcanus Rex LXV
David Johnson
Duke of Klinker
Anthony Nemo
General Flameous
Dan Klingner
Count of Ashes
Bill O’Hearn
Count Embrious
James Thuente
Grand Duke Fertilious
Bob Leach
Prince of Soot
Al Mangine
Baron Hot Sparkus
Daniel Schultz
Vulcanus Rex LXIV
John Silliman
Baron Hot Sparkus
Scot Cocchiarella
Count of Ashes
Joe Werden
Count Embrious
Arne Aasand
Grand Duke Fertilious
John Maslowski
General Flameous
Joe Vogel
Duke of Klinker
Mike Danielson
Prince of Soot
The Millenium Krewe
Mark Salmen
Vulcanus Rex LXIII
Larry Snaza
Grand Duke Fertilious
Scott Lanahan
Count of Ashes
Chris Meyers
Count Embrious
Stan Karwoski
General Flameous
Chris Danielson
Duke of Klinker
John Utermoehl
Prince of Soot
Aaron Alderman
Baron Hot Sparkus
Boyd B. Bowman
Vulcanus Rex LXII
Larry Malmgren
Duke of Klinker
Kip Kootz
Count of Ashes
Chris Francis
Count Embrious
Mike Rossini
Grand Duke Fertilious
Mark Vogel
Prince of Soot
Marcus Connolly
Baron Hot Sparkus
Bill Pyszka
General Flameous
Wally Rossini
Vulcanus Rex LXI
Ray Anderson
Grand Duke Fertilious
Jim Sullivan
Count of Ashes
Pat O’Day
General Flameous
Brian Eggert
Prince of Soot
Craig Bretoi
Baron Hot Sparkus
Scott Carroll
Count Embrious
Marty Pirjevec
Duke of Klinker
Jacques Peulen
Vulcanus Rex LX
Dennis Lazenberry
General Flameous
Marc Malmquist
Duke of Klinker
Reno Russell
Baron Hot Sparkus
Jim Smith
Count Embrious
Dennis Winge
Grand Duke Fertilious
Bob Hutton
Count of Ashes
Howie Register
Vulcanus Rex LIX
Jerry Kellogg
Prince of Soot
Dan Howard
Count of Ashes
Mike Hermes
General Flameous
Mark Weinand
Duke of Klinker
Kurt Sundeen
Baron Hot Sparkus
Thomas Parrish III
Count Embrious
Gerald Kane
Grand Duke Fertilious
Tom Pnewski
Vulcanus Rex LVIII
James Detviler
Baron Hot Sparkus
Dennis Egan
Count of Ashes
James Green
Count Embrious
Mark Sanchez
Duke of Klinker
Robert Fleming
Grand Duke Fertilious
Perry LaBelle
General Flameous
Jim Eggert
Prince of Soot
Gary Hill
Vulcanus Rex LVII
Bob Grasley
General Flameous
Al Werling
Duke of Klinker
Joe Newton
Count of Ashes
Eric Wenzel
Count Embrious
Doc Helsper
Grand Duke Fertilious
Mark Rokala
Baron Hot Sparkus
Dan Bickham
Prince of Soot
Jerry Lanahan
Vulcanus Rex LVI
Larry Mahoney
General Flameous
Dave Frey
Count of Ashes
Greg Nagen
Grand Duke Fertilious
Jeff Hunter
Duke of Klinker
Bill Kleineck
Prince of Soot
Joe Carroll
Baron Hot Sparkus
Tom Barrett
Count Embrious
Super Krewe
Terry Fenlon
Vulcanus Rex LV
Drake Anderson
Prince of Soot
Pat Mancini
Count Embrious
Rick Jeffrey
Grand Duke Fertilious
Brent Coatney
General Flameous
Vincent Courtney
Duke of Klinker
Kevin Quast
Baron Hot Sparkus
Tom Trudeau
Count of Ashes
John Zobel
Vulcanus Rex LIV
John Schuster
Duke of Klinker
John Altermatt
Count of Ashes
Michael Olsen
Count Embrious
Tim Carroll
Grand Duke Fertilious
Mark Salmen
General Flameous
John Shultz
Baron Hot Sparkus
Jeff Stenhaug
Prince of Soot
Bill Sandison
Vulcanus Rex LIII
Michael Pothoff
General Flameous
Erv Carlson
Count of Ashes
Don Monson
Count Embrious
Richard Wagner
Grand Duke Fertilious
Jack Schneider
Duke of Klinker
Daniel Schultz
Baron Hot Sparkus
Les Battarbee
Prince of Soot
Marvin Levine
Vulcanus Rex LII
Michael Koch
Grand Duke Fertilious
Steve Frattalone
Baron Hot Sparkus
Todd Russell
Count Embrious
Scott Tietz
Duke of Klinker
Paul Wiessner
General Flameous
James Trudeau
Count of Ashes
James McNulty
Prince of Soot
Roger Pulkrabek
Vulcanus Rex LI
Jeff Rovie
Grand Duke Fertilious
Charlie Michaels
General Flameous
David Crary
Prince of Soot
Bill Hren
Baron Hot Sparkus
Joe Coyne
Count Embrious
Jacques Peulen
Duke of Klinker
Craig Monson
Count of Ashes
Chuck Mastel
Vulcanus Rex L
Michael Lundeen
Count of Ashes
Eric Rosengren
Count Embrious
Denny Weiler
Prince of Soot
Jeffrey Sowada
Baron Hot Sparkus
J. Scott Olson
Duke of Klinker
Dennis Montanari
Grand Duke Fertilious
Dennis Abel
General Flameous
T. Jay Salmen
Vulcanus Rex XLIX
James C. Schmidt
Count Embrious
Richard Gebauer
General Flameous
Gregory Sanchez
Duke of Klinker
Dean Hinnerichs
Baron Hot Sparkus
Raymond Newton
Grand Duke Fertilious
Paul Schultz
Count of Ashes
Charles Anderson
Prince of Soot
Stephen Popovich
Vulcanus Rex LXLVIII
Donald Newpower
Count of Ashes
Howard Quinlan
Count Embrious
David Wilkie
Duke of Klinker
John Culligan
Prince of Soot
William Owens
Grand Duke Fertilious
John Meyers
General Flameous
Glenn Wiessner
Baron Hot Sparkus
Edward Altermatt
Vulcanus Rex XLVII
Robert Matson
General Flameous
Thomas Edelstein
Count of Ashes
Charles Everling
Duke of Klinker
Greg Flakne
Baron Hot Sparkus
Robert Michels
Grand Duke Fertilious
Bill Peters
Prince of Soot
Daniel Shiely
Vulcanus Rex XLVI
Steven Peterson
Count of Ashes
Richard Jones
Count Embrious
James Nalipinski
Grand Duke Fertilious
Thomas Fenner
General Flameous
Larry Rudolph
Baron Hot Sparkus
Samuel Lewis
Prince of Soot
Alan Sauers
Duke of Klinker
Ivan Weiss
Vulcanus Rex XLV
Peter LaNasa
Grand Duke Fertilious
Kenneth Simons
General Flameous
Tom Pnewski
Count Embrious
Terry Fenlon
Duke of Klinker
Ted Ledman
Count of Ashes
Laurence Fink
Baron Hot Sparkus
Charles Rosenberger
Vulcanus Rex XLIV
Michael Eggert
Baron Hot Sparkus
Walter Rossini
Prince of Soot
Stephen Hyland
Duke of Klinker
John Zobel
Count Embrious
Howie Register
Grand Duke Fertilious
Gary Hill
Count of Ashes
Dennis Briquet
General Flameous
Red Roberts
Vulcanus Rex XLIII
Eldon "Al" Loescher
General Flameous
Stan Federowski
Duke of Klinker
Peter Stryker
Prince of Soot
Tim Buchotz
Baron Hot Sparkus
Richard Harrington
Count Embrious
Kenneth Rice
Grand Duke Fertilious
Boyd B. Bowman
Count of Ashes
Thomas Becken
Vulcanus Rex XLII
Mickey Kieffer
Count of Ashes
John DuBois
Grand Duke Fertilious
Tim R. Anderson
Baron Hot Sparkus
Roger Pulkrabek
Count Embrious
Neill O’Neill
General Flameous
Marvin Levine
Prince of Soot
Bernie J. Befort
Duke of Klinker
Brad Smith
Vulcanus Rex XLI
Thomas Bramwell
Baron Hot Sparkus
T. Jay Salmen
General Flameous
Les Malmquist
Duke of Klinker
Sherman Furlong
Count Embrious
John A. Bartz
Count of Ashes
Gerald Lanahan
Prince of Soot
Jack Crawford
Vulcanus Rex XL
Robert Maietta
Prince of Soot
Thomas Drude
Baron Hot Sparkus
Tim Mangan
Grand Duke Fertilious
Joseph Techar
Count Embrious
Dick Hetzel
Count of Ashes
Coleman Kennedy
Duke of Klinker
Peter Laramy
Vulcanus Rex XXXIX
Donald Valento
Grand Duke Fertilious
Ronald Hyden
Count Embrious
Robert Mullan
Duke of Klinker
Larry Alberg
Count of Ashes
James Rosacker
Prince of Soot
Donald Camitsch
Baron Hot Sparkus
Ralph Nardini
Vulcanus Rex XXXVIII
George Schaffausen
Count Embrious
William Sandison
General Flameous
Stephen Popovich
Count of Ashes
Ronald Gibis
Prince of Soot
Ivan Weiss
Baron Hot Sparkus
Gerald Berthiaume
Grand Duke Fertilious
Chuck Mastel
Duke of Klinker
Lyle Lackner
Vulcanus Rex XXXVII
Thomas Watson
Baron Hot Sparkus
Robert Mathison
Prince of Soot
Robert Bussen
Duke of Klinker
Richard Votel
General Flameous
Phil Bonin
Count Embrious
Myron Roth
Grand Duke Fertilious
Louis Buron
Count of Ashes
Joe Shields
Vulcanus Rex XXXVI
Thomas Kirk
Prince of Soot
Roger Boland
Grand Duke Fertilious
Red Roberts
Duke of Klinker
Edward Altermatt
General Flameous
Craig Leverenz
Count Embrious
Charles DeVinney
Baron Hot Sparkus
Roger Sorensen
Vulcanus Rex XXXV
Robert Momsen
Grand Duke Fertilious
Robert Crepeau
Count of Ashes
John R. Bilski
Count Embrious
John Fisher
Duke of Klinker
Gerald Prill
General Flameous
Edward Trudeau
Prince of Soot
Robert Flakne
Vulcanus Rex XXXIV
Harry Voss
Count Embrious
TJ Maley
Grand Duke Fertilious
Richard Schaak
Count of Ashes
Jim Lindsey
General Flameous
George Olsen
Baron Hot Sparkus
Chuck Hickok
Prince of Soot
Bud Dillion
Duke of Klinker
Joe Rogers
Vulcanus Rex XXXIII
Thomas Jessen
Duke of Klinker
Lyle Lackner
Grand Duke Fertilious
John "Jack" Hoffner
General Flameous
James Conway
Count of Ashes
Don Fitch
Prince of Soot
Daniel Shiely
Baron Hot Sparkus
Bob McElroy
Count Embrious
Ray Neuenfeldt
Vulcanus Rex XXXII
B. Thomas Hoffman
Count of Ashes
Joe Spargur
Baron Hot Sparkus
Don Olmstead
Count Embrious
Dan Schneeman
Grand Duke Fertilious
Bob Carlson
Duke of Klinker
Bill Marcantelli
General Flameous
Howie Christensen
Vulcanus Rex XXXI
Brad Smith
Count Embrious
Tom Becken
Count of Ashes
Lloyd Cizek
Baron Hot Sparkus
John Healy
Grand Duke Fertilious
Charlie Rosenberger
General Flameous
Bill Rogers
Count of Clinker
Dick Hassett
Vulcanus Rex XXX
Tom Abate
Pat Richie
Jerry Murphy
Jack Crawford
Grand Duke Fertilious
Gene Scharenbroich
General Flameous
Don Wenneberg
Count Embrious
Bob Thiers
Vulcanus Rex XXXIX
Dick Carroll
General Flameous
Thomas Olson
Count of Clinker
Jerome Dolan
Grand Duke Fertilious
Gordon Mosentine
G. Richard Palen
Dick Frey
Baron Hot Sparkus
Donald Boehmer`
Vulcanus Rex XXVIII
Tom Gannaway
Ralph Nardini
General Flameous
Jack Steger
J. Michael Andres
Count of Ashes
George Sweeney
Count Embrious
Dave McDonell
Steve Zobel
Vulcanus Rex XXVII
Peter Laramy
General Flameous
Robert Flakne
Count of Ashes
George Crockett
Don Miller
Bob Gerber
Bill Lehman
Richard Rosacker
Vulcanus Rex XXVI
William Hite
Count of Clinker
Michael Brown
Count Embrious